No thanks...tortured myself long enough.  MIcrosoft can keep Windows 7 too.
Used it for almost 2 weeks. I don't remember when I first installed it. A day, maybe 2 after it was first released.I tried. I really did.I'm not going to go into details. Too much misery for the lack of enjoyment. I've had enough.I'll stick with XP Pro.I wouldn't want any version of Windows 7. I don't care how much they dress it up. I wouldn't even want if they were giving it away for free.Good bye.
May 14th, 2009 3:13pm

Used it for almost 2 weeks. I don't remember when I first installed it. A day, maybe 2 after it was first released.I tried. I really did.I'm not going to go into details. Too much misery for the lack of enjoyment. I've had enough.I'll stick with XP Pro.I wouldn't want any version of Windows 7. I don't care how much they dress it up. I wouldn't even want if they were giving it away for free.Good bye. If they give it away free to you and you don't want it, can I have it please..??If you want I'll swap it for an old copy of XP Pro..??Old Mig15 pilot.
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May 14th, 2009 3:44pm

I don't need another copy of XP Pro.Thanks anyways.You keep'll need it.
May 14th, 2009 3:53pm

I'm sorry, but I believe details would be required so Microsoft can attempt to make it better. Whether or not you think Microsoft can make Windows 7 better is not really important as it's obviously a negative statement. Putting Microsoft aside, I'm curious for your reasoning as you're just here to whine about it instead of leavingintelligentfeedback.
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May 14th, 2009 4:35pm

Your post has to be a joke right? ("...I've even flashed myBIOS TWICE for good measure.") Good luck.
May 14th, 2009 5:48pm

Don't do us any favors by telling us why?I was an early adapter of Vista and it treated me just fine. I ran Win7-7000 for almost four months and now 7100. They are both just fine too.If you did your homework you would know why Windows 7 is better than XP.
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May 14th, 2009 6:37pm

Hi David,I'm sorry you don't find Windows 7 to your liking and i'm not going to say that you are 'whining' either because to a certain extent I agree with many of your comments. Windows 7, for me, didn't produce the 'fanfare' I was actually expecting. It certainly has no WoW factor and, for that matter, neither did Vista, although, I have to say, Vista 'eventually' grew on me and I wouldn't now go back to XP, although, it is on my system for support reasons.While I do not disagree that Windows 7 is pretty stable Microsoft seem to have reached the brow of the hill and now the momentum is increasing as they plough headlong down the hill to get Windows 7 on the shelves and bringing in much needed revenue. We don't know the 'official' release date as of yet, but I did see a press release to the effect that OEM's were looking at July to start installing on new machines.While Windows Vista took 5 years to develop Microsoft, again, were in such a rush to release it that, frankly because it was not ready (and I said this at the time) it turned out to be one of the biggest disasters Microsoft put their name to. I have also said, very publically, that if this rush to RTM continues Windows 7 will suffer the same fate. It appear that Microsoft are currently 'courting' the corporate customer rather than the 'average' guy/girl in the street and, like Windows Vista, Microsoft may be shocked to find that the 'corporate' customer may be far more reluctant to part with capital funds than the spin doctors at Microsoft assume and it may well turn out to be the case that, while every new PC will ship with Windows 7, there may be a rush to 'downgrade' to Windows Vista.In the end, like Windows Vista, you either like Windows 7 or hate it only the 'official' sales figures will determine whether or not Windows 7 will be another disater or not.John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Associate Expert: Windows Desktop Experience: Web:; Web:; Web:;
May 14th, 2009 6:49pm

Consider that the ISO has "retail" in the file name! That seems to say that they think they are done with it and will just issue fixes as they go. The Beta that I tried offered a lot of promise, the RC was far too slow for me to do anything so I gave up. The Vista drivers for my machine worked in the beta, none work in the RC. I think they took something that looked like a nice OS for the lower powered machines, and then applied the same logic that drove Vista and messed it up with all sorts of flashy junk (eye candy) that no one really needs, and in so doing made an OS that would again only really run on the faster machines. I keep hoping that an RC2 will be announced, but I doubt this will happen and I can say with confidence that I will not spend my personal money on what they have now. I'll also try an find a different solution at work, which might be to put an XP downgrade or Vista downgrade on everything that we buy in the near future. I've left my comments in several threads, but I'm sure I wasted my time as I have a feeling that the marketing department at Microsoft has once again put their collective foot down and said this will ship by XX day! It's really said to see what the design team can make, and then see if screwed up come release time. As I understand it, Vista changed significantly between RC and retail which cause some huge delays for companies that deal with multimedia and interfacing with hardware. Our Radio automation software took almost 6 months after Vista hit the streets while they tried to find a way to deal with the new method of working with the sound cards, that was on top of the 250 days needed to make sure the software would run stable for the customers.
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May 14th, 2009 8:13pm

Microsoft has a habit of confusing people. When Win 95 came out many of the old command line lovers hated the GUI. By the time Win 98 came along people were coming to the conclusion that the command line for all intents and purposes was gone. People were just getting used to the idea of using windows explorer vs program manager. Win XP came along and people were getting used to the quick launch bar. Vista hit the scene and had the gadget column on the right side of the screen. Now Win 7 is in the mix and we have the task bar instead of the now oft used and accepted quick launch bar. The control panel takes on a new look. Things that were simple before are still able to be done but with new ways to get there with again new labels. As an example, if the new task bar were still called the quick launch bar with new capabilities it might be more acceptable and easier for people to catch on to. It is natural that people resist change. If you make a change make it subtle otherwise people are going to resist. Just my opinion, Ed Propes
May 14th, 2009 8:35pm

To be honest there are a number of features on Windows 7 RC thatI really liked.I like the new Toolbar (Quick Launch hybrid): I found it very useful. I was able to pin quite a bit of shortcuts on the main body, plus the addition of the Quick Launch folder to which I could even put more shortcuts. Didn't even need to have any shortcuts on the Desktop.The overall look and feelis very nice. Deep, rich colors. Very exquisite. Clear Type even looks alot better. The smoothe transitions from one window to another.Windows Media Player is very nice.Windows Media Center: I used it with my TV Tuner card and...all I can say is "Wow". But here's what really spoiled it for me. Wanting to slim things down: having to set the Security Properties just right so that I could delete aton of unwanted and unecessary picture and video files. Taking ownership, setting Permissions and so forth turned out to be a nightmare. Just when I thought I had it down pat, something would happed that would mess up the Event Logs/Event Viewer. There was either a lot of errors in the different sections, maybe one or more would stop working, or sometime the whole Event Log apparatus wouldn't even work at all. I was wiping my drive, formating, reinstalling Windows 7...and it took it toll. The back up images that I made were some help but... I've been reading up, wherever and whenever, on the whole Ownership and Permissions realm for the last 2 or three days. And I just can't seem to get it down. I've been asking around but...can't seem to get enough good advice.Then there's the Windows Updates: telling me I need more updates when I know that I'm already fully updated. That was the straw that snapped the dragon's back earlier this morning.
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May 14th, 2009 9:26pm

If I may be honest about something else:Part of me wants to start over again. New downloads and burns, clean and formatted drive, installations of both -bit versions. Got some recording going on right now. Be finished in little over an hour.*Sigh*
May 14th, 2009 9:56pm

Hi Greg,The next release of Windows 7 will, undoubtably, be RTM. AFAIK RC is the last build that even the beta testers will see, let alone a public preview. To some extent the 'eye candy' gives Windows 7 a little flair, everyone like gifts packed in pretty boxes with bow ribbons, it makes things look special even though, when you finished opening the box, the contents are the ugliest thing you've ever seen. But, as many people have said in other posts/forums, fundamentally Windows 7 has a job to do; you can pretty a thing up as much as you like, but if it doesn't do that fundamental job you've lost the plot. People are prepared to spend money on buying the latest operating system, what they don't want to have to do is change hal;f the hardware on their PCs in the process. Microsoft have just introduced, for Windows 7 the new XP mode feature. The idea is so that 'corporate' entities who have software that will only run on XP can actually run it 'virtually' on Windows 7. Not a bad idea, however, unless your PC has a Virtual Technology processor you can forget it. I purchased a new machine 18 months ago specifically for Windows Vista and, if i am truthful, to future protect me for when the next operating system came out. I currently use VMware Workstation as my Virtual machine software to run XP as a support platform, so the new XP mode feature was of interest. Problem is I now find out that my processor doesn't support Virtual technology, so that is one feature that I will not be able to put to use. Still, at least VMware workstation works fine on Windows 7:-)John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Associate Expert: Windows Desktop Experience: Web:; Web:; Web:;
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May 14th, 2009 10:27pm

And I am right opposite than you are. I thought XP sucked the big one and I waited for Vista which I hated at first too. It sucked also, slow as ____, but I still liked it over what I was using. It ran fine on my laptop, 2 desktops, and the wifes laptop but took forever to load, and after it loaded on my desktop, it was about another minute before my network adapter kicked in. My desktop is a quad core with 8 gig of ram. Great machine. It took 3 minutes on my laptop to load and run. The Win7RC takes 1 minute to load on my laptop. On both my desktop and laptop, when the Microsoft sound plays, they are up and ready to rock an roll. Unlike loading Vista which was still another 2 minutes. I must say, I never got a blue screen of death on any of my computers using Vista. Now that I have done the 7 beta and RC, I for one loved both, but I did have a network issue with 7 beta that did not repat itself in the RC. So far the RC runs fine, everything works, startup loads faster, runs just slightly faster for the most part. I have had no issues, a easy fast install. No desktop icon issues that Vista had with web based linked icons. I think that they should have left windows explorer alone, and I could live without the new taskbar. I will be going to the retail version of Win7, when my RC runs out. MS shold make it available at reduced prices for those who have Vista because Win 7 is what they should have come out with in 2006. Provided they don't think its worth it's weight in gold. Too bad there are no Win ME drivers for my new desktop. It is amazing that in the past few years all the negative forum respones about how much MS OS's suck. If it is that bad, there are OS alternatives out there. Or code your own. I used Linux a couple of times when I needed a server for home use. It worked fine for that application. For me, good bad or indifferent, I wiil stick with Microsoft for my primary OS, the comfort OS. Thats my opinoin, your milage may vary, and I don't care if you like it or not....
May 15th, 2009 5:40pm

Strange, so far I have sucessfully installed it an a 64-bit Quad core rocket ship and a little HP 2133 net book with great sucess, both Beta and RC.My only misery so far is with XP Mode. Although a good idea, I feel that the application to be run must be pretty old in order to justify it's use. Solid, reliable applications should go through at least the Windows 7 Logo program to be looked at as a reasonable level of reliability.XP was great, no doubt about it. Sometimes I think that development of Vista and Win 7 have been to make them prettyified to compete with the current expectations of customers who own the likes of Apple Macs. However, the general undercurrent from most of these forums from the beginning of the development has been on reliability and not changing things for the sake of changing. Also, the need for more control of your system and not expect the one size fits all approach to system maintenance and operation.Adios and have fun with your XP machines!!!
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May 18th, 2009 4:06am

It is amazing that in the past few years all the negative forum respones about how much MS OS's suck. If it is that bad, there are OS alternatives out there. Or code your own. I used Linux a couple of times when I needed a server for home use. It worked fine for that application. For me, good bad or indifferent, I wiil stick with Microsoft for my primary OS, the comfort OS.Thats my opinoin, your milage may vary, and I don't care if you like it or not.... Bubba - A better question is with all the negativity being posted, how is it Microsoft STILL manages to hold onto 92+% of the market...? If Windows sucked as badly as these claims would lead you to believe, then you'd think we would have seen a mass exodus to Linux or Mac or something... And yet, Microsoft still has the lion's share of the market... Go figure...Even more amusing - when XP was first released, there was a LOT of the same sorts ofFUD and negativity about it that we've seen with Vista in the past couple of years - and now many of those same people will only let go of XP if you pry it from their cold, dead fingers.
May 18th, 2009 4:53am

XP lover here. Ran it since the betas. Didn't like Vista during the betas, RCs, and RTM so I never bothered with it again. I didn't like the general performance and it had many driver and compatibility problems - a generally shoddy performing OS with a bunch of nag screens at a premium price or stick with rock solid XP that was already bought and paid for, set up and running to perfection? That was a super easy choice, lol. And honestly, I wasn't really ready for a new OS when Vista arrived. Win7... didn't think much of it or pay any attention to it until the first public release. I didn't play with the betas and follow it step by step like I did with XP & Vista since I was so turned off initially with Vista that I figured Win7 would be the same experience all over again. I don't know what drove me to download and try the beta of Win7 but I did (and I'm glad I did because I'm loving it so far). What shocked me is how well it performed right out of a clean install before my normal tweaking (disabling unneeded services for example). Next thing I really liked was the new taskbar/superbar or whatever you want to call it. Only a couple minor things I disliked about it, one being the default text. Not into BlurType text so a little registry tweaking to get it back to crisp and clear and changing back to XP's tahoma font and that was pretty much an easy fix. Win7 has had such a good initial impression and has worked pretty much flawlessly for me that I've been using it as my primary OS since the first public release....I didn't expect to, but booting back into XP it just looks and feels so dated now and I feel more at home in Win7...I just love the superbar and most all the other UI tweaks grew fast on me and I really notice it when I boot back into XP and those tweaks and feature aren't there, heh. And of course, performance comes first and no complaints there... Vista's price for the initial shoddy performance and compatibility problems just wasn't worth it for free IMO, heh. If they can do a little better with the price of Win7 it is a guaranteed sale to me. I think I remember seeing Vista Ultimate at Circuit City for something like $ Who the heck is going to give that much for a new OS when their older one is possibly working much better? I'll probably wind up with a cheaper OEM copy with a online harddrive purchase or something... I can't wait until it's available for purchase so I can clean install for the last time and be done with it.... I think it would be cool if you could buy and download directly from the Microsoft website. Just give me the ISO.... I don't need the manuals...the packaging...or support. Just give me a key and the ISO and I can take care of the rest, lol.
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May 18th, 2009 5:19am

I could go for an OEM of both the 32-bit and 64-bit Windows RC.I think I've got a pretty good grip on how to configure the Ownership/Permissions now. That's what was holding me down quite a bit and eating my brain up.I've gotten over that HUGE hump that was really demoralizing me andkeeping me from doingcertain things, mostly with the 64-bit version.I've had some minor applicationincompatability issues. Most of them have been resolved. I still have a handful of other applications that I need to test out.So far, I've got my Audio drivers/applications working good. My TV Tuner drivers and related applications are working good too.Actually watchedthe Lakers-Houston game with Windows Media Center and it was pretty impressive. I actually like watching TV with WMC rather than the software that camewith the TV tuner card. The only hitch I have with WMC TV Recorderis not being able to choose the output file type. As far as I can tell the .wtv file for WMC has to be hacked withe a retail recoder to just be able to edit it. I already have one purchased video editing application. Unfortunately, that particular applicationhas some problems with running in Windows7 RC,it still works, but not as goodas it did in XP. Not that interested in buying another. If I'm going to record a TV show I want to be able to edit out the commercials before burning it to a DVD. I'll stick with using XP for all my editing for now.Wonder how Microsoft gonna serve things up for RTM.
May 18th, 2009 7:28am

David,It's funny, I have just looked at another thread that I have posted to: File permissions in Windows 7 - "Take Ownership" reports success but I can't access my files, and by coincidence(?) you were having virtually the same problems.I know that this is a testing phase but at this late stage you would have thought that something as basic as permissions would have been sorted out?I must admit, after wrestling for three hours to delete three files I felt like a completing a brandnew install again (which really isn't the way forward really!)
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May 18th, 2009 2:18pm

lets say, there are pros and cons, but guy just kidding about sticking with XP Pro. DJT_UK lol dude, to delete WE need 5 sec, if YOU need more, then blame your hands, not an operating system...
May 18th, 2009 3:33pm

DJT_UK-Before I knew how to correctly configure the Ownership/Permissions something was always screwwing up the Event Log in one way or another. I'd either get messages that there were errors, that a specific section of the logs were not operable, or the whole damn Event log wouldn't work at all. Before I knew what was going on with Ownership/Permissions I had to erase/format/reinstall Windows: must have done that scenario at least 10 times. I read a post about using the SubInACL.exe download from the Microsoft website to reset all the tokens and security setting back to default. I tried it and I could never get it to work.Now everything is cool.
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May 18th, 2009 6:54pm

One thing's for sure: I'm hanging on to XP Pro regardless of how much I like Windows 7... RC, RTM, or otherwise. I've tried everything that I could think of to get my video editing software to work decently with Windows 7. Just isn't happening. Took me forever just to edit a piddley little 6 minute (500MB).mpeg file.Too damn slow at -least 20 minutes. In XP Pro I could have edited and proof-read a 60 minute, 5GB .mpeg filein 20 minutes or less. Shutter to think how long it would have taken to edit a 60 minute video with Windows 7.
May 18th, 2009 9:38pm

Even more amusing - when XP was first released, there was a LOT of the same sorts ofFUD and negativity about it that we've seen with Vista in the past couple of years - and now many of those same people will only let go of XP if you pry it from their cold, dead fingers. I still prefer win2000 and had they continued to make NT4 work with newer applications and hardware, I would probably still be using it too! Never had stability problems of any kind with NT4 (workstation and server) so I never knew what all the griping was about back then either. I found a different type of SSD today that goes in a mini PCIe slot, relatively cheap too. I may give it a try and see what happens, not sure if I want to spend the money yet though. It might turn out that disk speed alone is killing me between the beta I used and this RC, the RC seems to spend a lot of time doing "stuff" with the disk and it may be killing my experience. The beta never seemed to spend much time fooling with the disk so it is a possible "fix". The issue with trying the miniPCIe SSD is that the seller does not know if it will work in my computer. ALso my computer only has a single miniPCIe slot which current;y has the woreless card. It does have room and pads to solder down a second slot, so if I could confrim that the card worked in the computer, I would solder in another slot to work with it. With all the "I'm a PC" advertisement where they give someone a laptop under $1500, maybe they would send me the SSD drive to test ($120). Or they would be more than welcome to give me a $1000 brand new Fujitsu u820 laptop, I'd even give them my old u810 in exchange (what a bargin!).
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May 18th, 2009 9:43pm

No details means you're not helping anyone.I'm in the minority I suppose but I have been using Vista Home Premium for > 2 years now and I actually really like it. Once you get used to the UAC anyway....My PC isn't spec'd that great either, it's an AMDx2 6000, 4 GByte DDR2 800 Ram, 8800GT video but Vista runs really well. I use it with visual studio, (VC,C#,VB) Office, and a few games with 0 problems. I'm completely and totally confused by all the hate towards Microsoft and Vista.I have also been running Win7 RC1 on a new build PC that REALLY flys. (AM3 720x3 overclocked to 3.4 GHz, 4 GByte DDR3 1600 Ram, ATI 4890 VC) I like Win7 a lot, even better than Vista.I think the main problem people are having must be their HW. If my 3 year old computer can handle it, it makes me wonder what many folks out there are running for HW....The only problem I've had so far with Win7 RC1 is with my Pinnacle HDTV PCI card. Actually, the SW. Media Center Live TV works just fine. Pinnacle's GUI crashes quite often. No other problems found so far.Cliff
May 19th, 2009 2:58am

here you go, if your software not working with Windows 7, man its your problem, cause software was written for XP,
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May 19th, 2009 10:09am

here you go, if your software not working with Windows 7, man its your problem, cause software was written for XP, Hmmm. That's what I figured...:)Any idea if there will be new SW written for Vista/Win7?
May 20th, 2009 1:17am

That is my feedback. If you would like to think of it as whining...knock yourself out. Give yourself a pat on the back for being a better person than I. I do not owe you, Microsoft, or anyone else a detailed summary of why I do not want Windows 7, the RC, or the final cut. It stinks....just like Vista. Once you get past all the pretty pictures it's nothing more than a large, cumbersome, and ill-developed Operating System...just like Vista. I could go on for hours as to why I think its such a piece of junk. I'm not going to waste anymore of my time with it. I did that when I was testing Vista and what did I get? A bunch of wannabees slamming me at every turn because they couldn't accept the fact that Vista was junk and they were so hard up for the final release that it wasn't even funny. And then when the final release did come out, within the first6 months, better than half of these so-called eager Vista beavers were complaining about how much of a piece of junk it was. I've already cleaned Windows 7 completely off my entire system.Wiped all five ofmy HDD's and I've even flashed myBIOS TWICE for good measure. I've thrown away both DVD's that I made up of the 32-bit and 64-bit versions that I was testing out. Funny thing is, I had Vista (RC equivalent) on my system for 3 monthes before I decided to get rid of it. Barely 2 weeks with Windows 7. Yeah...I'm supposed to be so impressed that Windows 7 RC, or whatever label Microsoft puts on it, is so much better than XP and Vista. Forget it. It's not going to happen. Mark my words down in stone. Windows 7, whatever versions Microsoft has in store for it's retail/oem release, is going to be a bigger debaucle than Vista ever was. I could not agree more with this statement.Win 7 Is nothing but a beat up Vista with a paint job.Im staying with WinXpProSp3 as well.Im also going to try a Mac for the first time.But again,I couldn't agree more dude......
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May 20th, 2009 2:04am

Considering that statement changed later on in this thread...
May 20th, 2009 2:08am

Mr. Barnett;"In the end, like Windows Vista, you either like Windows 7 or hate it only the 'official' sales figures will determine whether or not Windows 7 will be another disater or not."Ummm no. Only forums and such will determine whether Win7 is liked or not. Sales figures only show how they are sold. Most won't be trying the RC version before going out and buying the RTM. Only then will those know whether they find they like it or not.I, for one, love this new OS and will be getting the RTM when it comes out.wolfie
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May 20th, 2009 4:35pm

The OP isjust a whiner. No details, no actual problems. Just "it sucks". Right.He probably complained about XP in 2001 (assuming he is that old) because it was different from Win98. But he could one of the "XP is all I've ever seen/known so anything else sucks" brigade.
May 20th, 2009 5:52pm

The OP isjust a whiner. No details, no actual problems. Just "it sucks". Right. He probably complained about XP in 2001 (assuming he is that old) because it was different from Win98. But he could one of the "XP is all I've ever seen/known so anything else sucks" brigade. Atleast Xp got the proper software support with sp1,2,and 3.It's now to date the most used os Microsoft has.Dell,Hp,Acer are still offering the Vista downgrade package to Xp.Theres no use trying to hold a lit candle in the wind pal.Vista and Win7,Maybe your one of the "Install now ,hope for the best without concern,cry later" brigades.
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May 20th, 2009 6:32pm

One thing's for sure: I'm hanging on to XP Pro regardless of how much I like Windows 7... RC, RTM, or otherwise. I've tried everything that I could think of to get my video editing software to work decently with Windows 7. Just isn't happening. Took me forever just to edit a piddley little 6 minute (500MB).mpeg file.Too damn slow at -least 20 minutes. In XP Pro I could have edited and proof-read a 60 minute, 5GB .mpeg filein 20 minutes or less. Shutter to think how long it would have taken to edit a 60 minute video with Windows 7. Hi DavidHave you checked out the new Virtualizationtechnology that is available as a free add-on for Windows 7. This is specifically made for users, like yourself, that are using a critical piece of software/hardware that willnot be updated or just doesn't work in the new OS. Here are the details. The Windows Virtual PC is a new freely available program that is designed for Windows 7.This comes with a specially configured VHD called XP Mode. When configured properly you can install a program/hardware devicedesigned to run on Windows XP and it will place a shortcut to the program directly on the Windows 7 Start Menu. When you select that shortcut, the program/device will run just as if it is installed directly in Windows 7, but it will actually be running in the XP VHD Mode.The following links will get you up to speed with all of the information about this new add-on. Windows Virtual PC and XP Mode: Home Page Windows Virtual PC Download We have a newly opened forum where you can get answers directly from some of the Microsoft people who are working on this new project. Windows 7 Virtualization ForumHope this helps.Thank You for testing Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP
May 20th, 2009 8:25pm

Cool. Thanks Ronnie -I didn't think XP Mode VPC was available for Windows 7 RC, just the Windows 7 "Business" version.GA P32 DQ6 Mb, Intel Wolfdale 8600 3.33Ghz C2D CPU., 4x2Gb Mushkin DDR2 1066 PC2 8500 Ascents Memory Mods., 4-Western Digital Caviar SATA(2) HDD's (internal), 1 EIDE-USB External; Hauppauge PVR 1600 TV tuner, Dual Monitor: (1) Standard up top, (1) WideScreen below; Altec Lansign Speakers...
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May 20th, 2009 8:35pm

David,It is available for Ultimate. The only one problem (sorry to deflate the balloon) is that your processor and BIOS needs to support virtual technology. If it doesn't, then you can throw XP mode out of the window. My machine is 18 months old and 'doesn't' support VT. However, I personally use VMware Workstation as my VM. This works fine on Windows 7 but, sadly, doesn't come cheap. Because of XP Mode (with it using Virtual PC 2007) Microsoft have disabled the ability for you to actually install VPC 2007 in Windows 7, so i cannot suggest that as a free alternative for VMJohn Barnett MVP: Windows XP Associate Expert: Windows Desktop Experience: Web:; Web:; Web:;
May 20th, 2009 9:31pm

Ronnie-My CPU and BIOS are cool with VT support.Gonna try in both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7; probably will function better in 64-bit's higher memory capacity support - as you can see with my Sig, I've got some good memory (8GB). I got well over 800GB of total HDD space on my system so that's definately no problemo. Update: just realized I made an error on my Motherboard Signature - should read GA P35 DQ6 (Gigabyte) GA P32 DQ6 Mb, Intel Wolfdale 8600 3.33Ghz C2D CPU., 4x2Gb Mushkin DDR2 1066 PC2 8500 Ascents Memory Mods., 4-Western Digital Caviar SATA(2) HDD's (internal), 1 EIDE-USB External; Hauppauge PVR 1600 TV tuner, Dual Monitor: (1) Standard up top, (1) WideScreen below; Altec Lansign Speakers...
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May 20th, 2009 9:38pm

One thing's for sure: I'm hanging on to XP Pro regardless of how much I like Windows 7... RC, RTM, or otherwise. I've tried everything that I could think of to get my video editing software to work decently with Windows 7. Just isn't happening. Took me forever just to edit a piddley little 6 minute (500MB).mpeg file.Too damn slow at -least 20 minutes. In XP Pro I could have edited and proof-read a 60 minute, 5GB .mpeg filein 20 minutes or less. Shutter to think how long it would have taken to edit a 60 minute video with Windows 7. Hi DavidHave you checked out the new Virtualizationtechnology that is available as a free add-on for Windows 7. This is specifically made for users, like yourself, that are using a critical piece of software/hardware that willnot be updated or just doesn't work in the new OS. Here are the details. The Windows Virtual PC is a new freely available program that is designed for Windows 7.This comes with a specially configured VHD called XP Mode. When configured properly you can install a program/hardware devicedesigned to run on Windows XP and it will place a shortcut to the program directly on the Windows 7 Start Menu. When you select that shortcut, the program/device will run just as if it is installed directly in Windows 7, but it will actually be running in the XP VHD Mode.The following links will get you up to speed with all of the information about this new add-on. Windows Virtual PC and XP Mode: Home Page Windows Virtual PC Download We have a newly opened forum where you can get answers directly from some of the Microsoft people who are working on this new project. Windows 7 Virtualization ForumHope this helps.Thank You for testing Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP why can't you make windows virtual pc available for windows 7 home preimium? Not everyone is going to run out and buy windows 7 pro or ultimate. How about the average user that is not going to use it for their business? It seems microsoft is only concerned with the business user because that is where the money is but please, if you took a poll you would see even those who will use windows 7 pro/ultimate for their business will want to use home preimium for their home use too.I think it is just not fair. I am running windows 7 virtually on ms virtual pc 2007 on vista home preimium but the thing screams when you first install it "this product is not for your OS"- humbug!I would consider Windows 7 Pro for my business when my xp pro go off to computer heaven but i Need home preimium because many of my clients are "that average user" and I need to be able to teach them how to use the new OS.robin
May 21st, 2009 2:11am

David,It is available for Ultimate. The only one problem (sorry to deflate the balloon) is that your processor and BIOS needs to support virtual technology. If it doesn't, then you can throw XP mode out of the window. My machine is 18 months old and 'doesn't' support VT. However, I personally use VMware Workstation as my VM. This works fine on Windows 7 but, sadly, doesn't come cheap. Because of XP Mode (with it using Virtual PC 2007) Microsoft have disabled the ability for you to actually install VPC 2007 in Windows 7, so i cannot suggest that as a free alternative for VM John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Associate Expert: Windows Desktop Experience: Web:; Web:; Web:; i am running on my desktop vista home premium sp1 (which has virtual technology) with no problems using microsoft virtual 2007.On the other hand my laptop doesn't and that runs vista home premium sp1 and i am using virtualboxbecause virtual pc 2007 on the host used way too much cpu usage. It uses more cpu on Windows 7 as the guest- but vista as the host doesn't. But at least i get to show windows 7 at my seminars that i give and even though cpu usage is high it runs fine with no crashes. With windows 7 beta it had no spikes in cpu usage at all. I have no idea why windows 7 rc is spiking high but it gives the average user enough info (the only thing that doesn't run is the areo) to see what the OS is all about.I will need to upgrade this laptop to windows 7 home premium once it comes out especially since this is what will be in stores. It would just be nice for those who want to upgrade from vista to get a special price and we should get a special price too for doing all this testing for microsoft (hint hint)robin
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May 21st, 2009 2:19am

why can't you make windows virtual pc available for windows 7 home preimium? Not everyone is going to run out and buy windows 7 pro or ultimate. How about the average user that is not going to use it for their business? It seems microsoft is only concerned with the business user because that is where the money is but please, if you took a poll you would see even those who will use windows 7 pro/ultimate for their business will want to use home preimium for their home use too.I think it is just not fair. I am running windows 7 virtually on ms virtual pc 2007 on vista home preimium but the thing screams when you first install it "this product is not for your OS"- humbug!I would consider Windows 7 Pro for my business when my xp pro go off to computer heaven but i Need home preimium because many of my clients are "that average user" and I need to be able to teach them how to use the new OS.robin Hi RobinSorry, but when you ask the 'why' question that ends anyuseful discussion simply because the only people who can answer this accurately are the people who made the actual decision and they don't post here. :)The answers you receive will just be speculation?You might want to read the Engineering Windows 7 Blog the articles written there are authored by the people who do make these decisions. Many of the articles do have insights about 'why' some decisions are made.Hope this helps.Thank You for testing Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP
May 21st, 2009 2:24am

Because of XP Mode (with it using Virtual PC 2007) Microsoft have disabled the ability for you to actually install VPC 2007 in Windows 7, so i cannot suggest that as a free alternative for VM. Am I missing something here? The ability to install VPC 2007 is only disabled in Windows 7 if you install Windows Virtual PC to use XP mode, which one wouldn't do if they check first and confirm thattheir processor isnot compatible. If you don't have Windows Virtual PC installed, VPC 2007 installs just fine and XP (and Vista) then install within VPC 2007. I have installed both XP and Vista via this route since my CPU does not support hardware virtualization.Stephen
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May 21st, 2009 12:07pm

David, with that computer (I can't see any GPU in your sig tho), Windows 7 should go as fast as the speed of sound. I do own a GA P35 - Core 2 Duo E6700 - 3 x 2 Gbs DDR2 800 and it works like never Vista did before.May I suggest to install Windows 7 in a more basic setup? I mean, 1 single HD and 4 Gbs of RAM. Just totest if things go better. G'luck and regards. W7 RC x64 running....
May 21st, 2009 1:12pm

Forgot that...look below. I updated my Sig.'s hypersonic....stock. You oughta see it when I over clock it (just a little). GA P35 DQ6 Mb, Intel Wolfdale 8600 3.33Ghz C2D CPU., 4x2Gb Mushkin DDR2 1066 PC2 8500 Ascents Memory Mods., PNY-nVidia GE Force 8800 GTS (640MB), 4-Western Digital Caviar SATA(2) HDD's (internal), 1 EIDE-USB External; Hauppauge PVR 1600 TV tuner, Dual Monitor: (1) Standard up top, (1) WideScreen below; Altec Lansign Speakers...
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May 21st, 2009 1:30pm

Forgot that...look below. I updated my Sig.'s hypersonic.... Have you thought in a basic setup and give another try? And, what is the BIOS version you do have?Regards. W7 RC x64 running....
May 21st, 2009 1:36pm

Have you thought in a basic setup and give another try? And, what is the BIOS version you do have? Not sure what you are asking in the first question.My BIOS is F9B. Don't know what's taking Gigabyte so long for a final release of the latest BIOS. Been 9 months.GA P35 DQ6 Mb, Intel Wolfdale 8600 3.33Ghz C2D CPU., 4x2Gb Mushkin DDR2 1066 PC2 8500 Ascents Memory Mods., PNY-nVidia GE Force 8800 GTS (640MB), 4-Western Digital Caviar SATA(2) HDD's (internal), 1 EIDE-USB External; Hauppauge PVR 1600 TV tuner, Dual Monitor: (1) Standard up top, (1) WideScreen below; Altec Lansign Speakers...
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May 21st, 2009 1:48pm

Greetings again David,What I mean it's that you may be facing some weird drivers/raid/mobo bios issues. It might be nothing to blame on Windows 7.If I were you, I'd just leave 1 single HD, 2 gigas of RAM, your GPU, the DVD reader and a single monitor. You are testing, aren't you?On the other hand, I can see in your mobo's web page that they do have 5 different BIOS version released with the same date. Have you tried any other different to that Beta BIOS?G'luck again.W7 RC x64 running....
May 21st, 2009 2:03pm

I still don't know what you mean. I'm not having any problems with my hardware at all. I started this thread because I was hyper-frustrated with the Volume Properties>Security>Ownership/Permissions settings that I could not get set right. No matter what I did, somehow, someway I would always wind up with either numerous errors about the Event Logs sections not working properly and the imformation provided would not be accurate or the Event Log system would totally take a dump on me altogether.Of course that has all changed. I have since got the whole issue of setting Ownership/Permissions down and everything is working fine...more or less. The only other problem since has been with my Video Editing software not working very well in Windows 7's very, very slow. 20~30 minutes just to edits a 6 minute, 500MB .mpeg file. With XP Pro I could edit and proof-watch a file 10x (60 minute, 5GB) that size in less time.GA P35 DQ6 Mb, Intel Wolfdale 8600 3.33Ghz C2D CPU., 4x2Gb Mushkin DDR2 1066 PC2 8500 Ascents Memory Mods., PNY-nVidia GE Force 8800 GTS (640MB), 4-Western Digital Caviar SATA(2) HDD's (internal), 1 EIDE-USB External; Hauppauge PVR 1600 TV tuner, Dual Monitor: (1) Standard up top, (1) WideScreen below; Altec Lansign Speakers...
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May 21st, 2009 2:16pm

Greetings David,apologies. Probably I misunderstood your issue or I haven't readall of the posts within the thread.Anyway, sorry to hear you're experiecing such problems.RegardsW7 RC x64 running....
May 22nd, 2009 3:53pm

Massive Bump, but I was just wondering, David, whether you have the RTM of W7 yet and how that has changed from the RC? If you'vegot it, has it fixed your video editing problem? I've still got the RC and I'm debating whether to spend the cash.
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December 2nd, 2009 12:21am

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